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Top 9 Tips to Keep Your Children Safe at the Beach

By Kezi Levin July 26, 2022 0 comments

Ensuring the safety of your little ones is so important when you’re at the beach. Take a look at our top tips so that your family have a fantastic and safe beach holiday. 

1. Take some additional swimming lessons 

Swimming in the ocean takes much more skill and physical effort than swimming in your local pool. Young kids may struggle because they can’t see the bottom and they’re being pushed about by the waves. Additional swimming lessons will give your kids the skills and information they need, such as not turning their back on the ocean and how to float in case they do get into trouble. 

2. Talk to your children so they're beach aware 

Before heading off for your day of playing in the sand and sea, talk to your children about water safety and be mindful of the whole family's limitations when it comes to being in the ocean. It's essential to keep a close eye on your kids the whole time; emergencies can happen so quickly.

3. Get your beach bearings

It’s good to take precautions before running into the sea. When you arrive at the beach, check where the lifeguards are stationed and if any water warnings are posted. Also, check how high and fast the waves are coming in. The water can appear deceptively calm even when the waves are high.

4. Teach your kids to ask permission before going into the sea

Kids are so excited when they get to the beach and have an instant urge to run directly into the sea. Teach your kids to ask before they enter the water. This ensures you know where they are and reduces the risk of them getting into trouble.

5. Form a buddy system

Take turns with your partner to be your kid's buddy, so they're never alone on the beach. If you're with a group, you may want to take turns so you all get to enjoy some time for relaxation.

6. Essential sun care

Spending long lazy days at the beach is so much fun, but sun-related illness can sneak up on you. Make sure everyone is well hydrated, wears a hat and sunglasses, reapplies broad-spectrum sun cream regularly, and you have a parasol to create a shady area.

7. Know what sea life to expect

Lifeguards may put up information boards about what sea life to expect on the beach and what to be wary of, but it's also a good idea to inform yourself by asking the lifeguard on duty so you can keep your little ones safe. Jellyfish, in particular, look squishy and tempting to touch, but a nasty sting is extremely painful.

8. Keeping little feet safe

If you're on a beach where people are using disposable barbeques, make sure your children wear sandals when walking on the sand. There may be no signs that a barbeque has been used, but the sand will remain extremely hot and cause burns.

9. Always be alert

It can be so tempting to lay back and close your eyes as you unwind at the beach, but having children with you means you always need to be alert. Stay in reach of your toddlers and young children, and keep a really close eye on tweens/teens in the water no matter how strong of a swimmer they think they are. You can never entirely rely on lifeguards when the beach is bustling, so keep a careful watch out, and you’ll all have a safe and happy holiday.

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